You Are Blessed!

Everybody, I mean everybody around us needs encouragement. That of course includes you and I also. Keep reading to receive great insight into what you can do for others, and what God can do for you.

Dr. David Jeremiah - Turning Point - December 28, 2021 - You Are Blessed!

I will bless you… and you shall be a blessing. Genesis 12:2

Recommended Reading: Genesis 12: 1 – 3

This year’s Olympics in Japan weren’t the same as past Olympics. Because of COVID-19, the stadiums were empty, the stands were vacant, the cheers were muted, and the ratings were down. The athletes performed in cavernous amphitheaters of silence, unable to feel the rush of the deafening shouts of their supporters.

How many people feel as empty as a deserted stadium? How many have no cheerleaders, no encouragement? Life feels futile and vain. They try to grab onto the excitement of each day, but there’s nothing deeper than the swoosh of the passing pages of the calendar.

If that sounds like you, stop and take a moment to realize that’s not what the Lord intends. His gift to you is an abundant life of blessing, of purpose, and of service on earth and then in heaven. He wants to bless you and make you a blessing!

Here’s a prayer for you: “Lord, I feel empty today. But I ask You to open my eyes to the marvelous blessings You’ve sent me this very day. I receive them! I enjoy them in Christ! Now, Lord, make me a blessing.”

Blessing is God’s default setting—His first and foremost reflex. If you don’t believe that, you’ll doubt the goodness of God. Mark Batterson